Saturday, August 17, 2013

Reflection on Dendrites activities and mini-lessons

I will be able to use many of the shared strategies. Ours, the cooperative learning one, I use already in creative writing, brainstorming, Socratic discussions, etc. I also use the "storystarter" one for journaling, creative writing, grammatical lessons, etc. Artwork: I have the students create a graphic novel and/or storyboard for a multigenre writing project. I attempt to use humor often, and make students write jokes and puns. So, I do a large majority of those things! I'm going to attempt to use movement more often to stimulate some more brain activity, but already use it in things like the "Shakespearean 'Lost in Translation'" project, wherein students, in groups, translate the text of a scene into another tonally different style (i.e. Star Wars, old West, Southern Baptist, Jerry Springer Show, Downton Abbey, Arnold Schwarzenegger, etc.), write it together, and then perform it, in costume, on a stage. "I deem thee righteous, good sir."

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