Saturday, March 15, 2014

Relationships - with coach K

Coach K has had many accomplishments indeed (some might say that with the best recruits at a prestigious college that he would be remiss to NOT win a whole crapton of games...but that's just what some might say), and is a great coach. I'm not sure about the whole "daughters hugging the team" thing - that might make me a bit uncomfortable: my teenage daughter (in the future) hugging college bball players - one might think that she'd think the most attractive ones need a lot of hugs...but I know what he's saying about considering the complete person.

When it comes to relationships with my students, I've discovered that I need to convey to them that I care about their specific progress not only as writers, but as thinkers. One of the things that students need to develop is the need to consider multiple perspectives - whether in terms of politics, literature, perspectives, writings, etc., it is always a relevant skill. Thus, conveying my desire to make them see that thinking this way will lead to better lives for themselves and those around them is key in their investing in the topics currently under discussion. "Buy-in" is important, and must be done, lest students ignore those around them and what drives them.

As far as "Value+Vision+Voice goes, I think that it's a pretty good method of thinking and getting to the heart of matters. I frequently say to my students that good writing is good thinking, so anything that gets them to look beyond themselves and their preconceived notions to consider multiple perspectives is a good thing.

I have to start the community building all over again this trimester, as we have shifted classes yet again (all but one class, anyway, resets with the turning over of a new trimester). So, I must start from scratch--however, that can be a good thing, as students sometimes need change to make them shake up their methods of thinking and their perspectives. Just like the modern-day media, they need the story-line to change and evolve to maintain interest - static=disinterest!


  1. I completely agree with you that students need to consider multiple perspectives. I can imagine that to be a hard skill to teach but because you value them when they look beyond themselves its sets them up to value more than their own vision. Your vision gives them the opportunity to naturally find patterns and connections with others (a part of brain-based learning) that pushes them to think how they can better their lives and for those around them . I believe this "buying in" then ignites their mode for survival (stated by one of my brain-based learning articles) and gives them the growth mindset to make change! Your doing some amazing work!

  2. Dusty,
    I am in complete agreement with the whole hugging thing. I think age has to play a part in this. 5 years old = cute...16 years old = not going to happen, especially if it is my daughter! :) I like your statement with your Value+Vision+Voice, students do need to look at multiple perspectives in order to understand the world around them.
